Monday, July 2, 2012

Movin' on Up to Veracruz

July 2, 2012 

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

–Seneca, the Roman philosopher

After checking out of our hotel we traveled about a half hour to Monte Alban.  This ancient city, now in ruins, was a center of Zapotec culture. It consists of residential and civic-ceremonial structures and hundreds of tombs and burial sites.

 The view of Oaxaca from Monte Alban 

After enjoying a delicious lunch overlooking the city of Oaxaca we boarded our coach bus for a six hour ride to Veracruz. Luckily the bus is big enough for each of us to have two seats and we can sprawl out! I have room for all my bags, and each of us enjoyed some alone time.
Before I left my friend Lauren gave me a copy of the book, “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. The book is about a computer science professor from Carnegie Mellon who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He was asked to give his last lecture, not about dying, but about, “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.” I highly recommend it, but have a box of tissues handy! The book was extremely insightful and allowed me to reflect on my life, goals (professionally & personally), and my journey ahead.
Thank you Lauren for always suggesting quality-reading material and always providing excellent outlets of advice, especially when I need it most! Xoxo

Sharon from Hawaii organized a Bingo game for the bus ride. She passed around blank sheets of paper where we drew blank Bingo boards. Then, she passed around a list of 30 words commonly used by our tour guide Jacques (for example, well (which was our free space because he says it A LOT!), How do you say?, Mexico, indigenous, etc.) which we used to fill in on our Bingo boards. 
Next, we sat on the  bus asking Jacques questions prompting him to say these words. The first one to get Bingo, it was Sarah, had to use all five words to ask Jacques a question out loud. It was hilarious! After this, we explained to Jacques the game we had been playing (he had no clue) & luckily he was a good sport about it! 

Jacques & Sarah on the bus after her big BINGO win 

Finally we arrived in Veracruz! Tomorrow we will explore the city as well as visit a secondary school. I’m excited to learn from the teachers and students here in Veracruz!


  1. I think I need to read this book! And I also love the idea of this game. It seems like you are having a great time with great people. Xoxo

  2. Alicia I am so happy you enjoyed the book!!! It's such a moving story and it will definitely make you think about living life in general. Randy's story makes you realize how precious yet fleeting time can be and makes you want to live life to the fullest -- hence the reason I thought it a good gift for both your and Erica's journeys! I have also watched the video of his last lecture online.

    Christine! Definitely read it, you'd love it!

    P.S. Clearly my name is somehow coming up BookBlogger after the nerdy blog I started years ago but never kept up with. Go figure!

  3. The Last Lecture...that was a good one! You know me...I read it while curled up on my hard as a rock mattress in my insane asylum decor room in Vietnam...with a highlighter in hand highlighting those quotes that slapped me in the face. It does really make you think!!!

  4. I am DIEING over the historical crap!!! Right up my alley!!!

  5. I love the BINGO game idea! How adorable! I hope you saved that BINGO board as a souvenir of your trip. Great idea for a SS center in your classroom!

    The ruins are amazing! It so fantastic that you are getting to see so many incredible sights. I love the picture of you in front of the ruins. That needs to get framed!

    Lots of love and keep having an amazing time! So happy that you are enjoying! Miss you xo
