Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 4th of July

July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July America!

We had a free day to celebrate the 4th of July!  On this rainy morning we decided to visit Quiahuiztlan, which ironically is known as "The Place of the Rain." (See sign)

Just as the sun began to peak through the clouds we arrived at the Hotel Punta Real at Chachalacas Beach where we enjoyed some lunch, the ocean, and the pool. The hotel was amazing, though out of place on a very deserted dirt road. Tourist season for the summer in Mexico begins in about a week, therefore we were able to enjoy all of the amenities- just us!  

 We introduced Jacques, our tour guide, to "Fifty Shades of Grey" 

The church across the street from our hotel in Veracruz 
The view from my balcony 


  1. Great view from your hotel! The buildings remind me of our trip to New Orleans! Hope you enjoyed your time at the hotel. XO

    1. We ate at a restaurant last night that reminded me so much of New Orleans. We were on the second floor, outside, overlooking the streets. Good memories! Good times past & present!

  2. It looks beautiful!!!! I wish I could fly down and meet you guys and be one of the tourists.

  3. I wish you could fly down too Chrish! You'd love this program!
