Tuesday, June 26, 2012

“I’m only in this for the money,” said no teacher ever!

Day 3: June 26, 2012

Today we began our day at the university. We took another group photo (our third so far because we keep missing people) in front of the head of this warrior. We will get a full explanation and see the “real” thing in Mexico.

We spent the morning at The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection. 

Sharon from Hawaii brought all of the Fulbright presenters and our tour guides each a lei along with a hug, to thank them for organizing the trip and helping us so much thus far.  

Thanks to Jackie and the coloring skills of my student Rahat, Flat Stanley will be my companion on this trip.

Today was a  long day of work & lectures! We found out some very interesting things from the lecturers who work for Fulbright. This summer our group is the only group that is traveling abroad. Usually there are 9 groups that participate in the summer seminars abroad. Because of budget cuts there was supposed to be only three groups traveling and due to lack of funding only the elementary group was able to get the opportunity to take part in this program. Over 300 applied for this grant and only sixteen were chosen. The budget for this trip per person is estimated to be about $17,000- not bad! I am honored to have been chosen for this wonderful opportunity.
One of our presenters shared this quote with us: “I’m only in this for the money,” said no teacher ever!
But finally I'm taking advantage of one perk!

 I attempted to take a bike ride with some of my new friends but after 35 minutes of looking for the bike rental shack in 106 degree weather I decided to go back to the Radisson & once again lay by the pool!

Each member of the program brought gifts from home (pencils, books, shirts, hats, etc.) to give to the presenters we will be listening to and also the students and teachers of the schools we will be visiting. My roommate Joan has been on two Fulbrights before and had a great idea of making our room the drop off and we put together the gift bags! 

All I wanted tonight was some good old fashion Texas cooking. A few of us went to Threadgill’s to eat where I had chicken fried chicken, mac and cheese, corn off the cob and tasted crawfish and collared greens for the very first time. These are some of the things that you can’t get in NY! 

My roomie Joan & I

Funny story… So my roommate Joan said that the Friday before she left she got her ticket for the flight to Austin and noticed there was a letter D as a middle initial on her ticket. She doesn’t have a D middle initial so she contacted Jacques, one of the organizers of the program to see why it said that. Well, when she sent Jacques her information she sent her name, Date of Birth, and passport #. For whatever reason the lines on the email got mixed up and Jacques thought her middle name was Dob & did not realize that it was supposed to be DOB. So Joan Dob Boyle, as we now refer to her as, is praying that she can get on the three flights we are taking tomorrow and all the others that will follow..lol

Tomorrow the REAL JOURNEY BEGINS.....

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