Monday, June 25, 2012

Lectures like I'm back in college

Day 2: June 25, 2012

This morning we boarded a shuttle bus to the University of Texas at Austin. Our morning began with brief introductions with all members of the group, including Natalie and Carly who assisted in organizing the trip, as well as Jacques (who will be our tour guide in Mexico) and Leo (who will be our tour guide in Colombia). Leo, who was born in Colombia and currently lives there, was pleased to hear I was from Queens because he lived in Jackson Heights for four years.
Our first lecture, given by Matthew Butler, was a very intense history of the Mexico: From Decolonization to Democracy. The next, a lecture by Jesse Cromwell, was the history of Colombia. After lunch and a short break outside in the 104-degree heat, Marco Munoz gave a lecture on rural Veracruz, a town we will be visiting in Mexico. Lastly, Donna DeCesare presented a heart felt lecture about her work as a photojournalist that has worked in several different countries. She spoke in particular about a project in a women’s prison in Colombia.  Through this project women were given the opportunity to take photography classes and some of their pictures were presented in a gallery in the prison and later in several other locations throughout Colombia. Her photos and techniques of story telling through photographs were very inspiring.

Upon returning to the Radisson, my roommate Joan and I decided to “take a swim” and relax and unwind at the pool. Our roommates for this trip are on a rotational basis and luckily Joan and I have hit it off (I honestly wish we didn’t have to switch!) She is a lovely British lady that lives in California and has traveled all over the world- to places I’ve never even heard of! This is her third Fulbright Hays Summer Abroad. Her, along with most of the participants, have been all over the globe and have endless stories to tell.

My buddy Jackie would be happy to know that I’m started a long list of the places I intend to travel to. We finished our day off at the Moonshine restaurant, where we enjoyed some delicious Austin cooking, like corndog shrimp.

Looking forward to leaving the U.S. and spicing up my blog! 


  1. I'm very proud you've finally started a "To Do" list! 2012 is a good year for new beginnings - visiting Asia and soon South America. Fulbright is the best way to recharge your teaching battery so enjoy the lectures, and learn as much as you can from your colleagues.

  2. Well said Jackie! Luckily I have people like you in my life for the motivation & inspiration!
